
We Satish Steel are in the market since 20 years, having a Good Reputation & well-known customers. We have Served in several areas of the Stainless Steel Market since 2001s. Working with Best Man Power, Eco-friendly Technology & Efficiency resulting into Best Quality Product and Better Service.

We provide products to our clients which is fully customized to cater their specific requirement.

The combined effort of the team has also lead to a steady growth of the firm and has also brought glowing accolades. We offer a wide range of products in today’s competitive and complex business conditions. The firm has surely created a name for itself and is always thriving for giving its best under all circumstances.

Being one of the leading firms of Steel Market in India, we have a history of providing High-quality Products and our clients rely on the experience and expertise which our Product demonstrates in each & every area.

Our client-retention rate is one of the highest. Satish Steel seeks to serve those clients who we are competent to serve, who value our Products and meet appropriate standards of legitimacy and integrity.

Complete respect is given to the confidentiality and privacy of our Clients. Satish Steel meets its Total Orders in time and report and charge honestly. We operate with an independence of mind and aim to avoid any conflicts of interest arising in the course of our dealings.

Finally, Satish Steel has been known for its Quality Products & Trust for years.

Company Strategy


To be a leader in the Cutlery & Serving Products Industry.


To build good reputation in the field of Steel Industry & become a key Player in the industry.

Mission Statements

To build long-term relationships with our customers & clients & provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation & advanced technology.

Core Values

• We believe in serving our customers with respect & faith.
• We grow through creativity, invention & innovation.
• We integrate honesty, integrity & business ethics into all aspects of our business functioning.

Scope of Work

At Satish Steel we mainly cater Cutlery & Serving Products in suppling to
various companies in different segments like FMCG, Pharmaceuticals,
Corporate Gifting & Mall Supplys.